chinadoll 🎀

He/Him, 18, black, ⚣︎, intj, i like cute & dead things, shy, kind, creative, strong-willed, magical ♡


what i love and hate.

♡art, indie alternative music, mythology & lore, cute manga, tattoos & piercings

✖️racism, homophobia, intolerance, cold weather, injustice, zionism, violence

do not interact ✖️

Racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, colorist, anti-poc, pro alm, islamophobic, zionist, anti-semitic, sexist, ableist, pro life, pro ship

before interacting 💖

18+ plz ♡

interests 🎀

♡drawing, painting, tea parties, baking, collecting vintage objects, home decor, oldies, creepy cute artwork, j-fashion, books, carousels, poetry, flowers, sweets, 80s-90s toys & media, animals of all kinds ☁️